Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Garden Funnies no.2

Well it took me a while, but it's finally available. Featuring cover art by Gary Northfield, and contributions from Ed Syder, Steve Tillotson, Adam & Hilary Steel, Lizz Lunney, Duncan Bourne, Francesca Cassavetti, Alex Potts and me.
You can buy it for £3 here in my magical shop, or from any of the contributors (contributors - they're going in the post today!). I believe Francesca will be taking a handful down to London Underground Comics on the 27th. When I'm in Manchester next I'll call in Travelling Man with a bunch too.

I know I'm not going to make a penny on this as I don't think any smallpressers ever do, so rather than trudge around different comic shops seeing if they'll take a few copies (then trudging round again a few months later to find I've made £1.50 for my efforts), I'm 'empowering' the contributors with 15 copies each. They can do what they want with them, including trudge round comic shops if they want to. Any takings are their pocket money - the least I can do when everyone has contributed for free.
If I sell around 70 copies myself then I'll break even. The main thing is that hopefully it serves as a useful promotional tool for all involved and possibly leads to some proper paid work for some of us.

And it's got rounded corners.


Oliver East said...

rounded corners are sexy

Mike said...

Yay! Let me know when you're in town. We can talk about That Thing. And I can buy a copy.

Lizz said...

Yay! read your email before seeing this!

My site is down but my blog is around until it is back! http://lizzlizz.blogspot.com/

Matt Badham said...

Want one!

rob jackson said...

Awesome! i'll get one when I see a copy, or i have enough money in my paypal account. Did you have to pay a lot extra to the printers for the rounded corners? That was a very good idea.